react google maps draggable marker example; In this tutorial, we will learn how to integrate Google Maps with draggable markers into the react application, We will use the google-map-react npm package, this component is written in Reactjs using the google map API, it allows you to render a map on your website, and it allows customization in google maps like adding markers, zooming out, zooming in, info window, info window, etc… If you want to implement a simple Google Maps in react, please read here.
You can download the working example
Create a React application
Create a React app using the below command
create-react-app react-google-map-markers-draggable
After running the above command system will create a new folder “react-google-map-markers-draggable” so you need to move into that folder, use the below command to change the directory.
cd react-google-map-markers-draggable
Install google-map-react library
npm install --save google-map-react
OR using yarm
yarn add google-map-react
Add code to the file
Create a GoogleMapComponent.js component file to hold google map code separate from another component and put the below code into that file
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Map, GoogleApiWrapper, Marker } from 'google-maps-react';
const GoogleMapComponent = (props) => {
let markersList = [
{ lat: 23.024000, lng: 72.580276 },
{ lat: 23.0063, lng: 72.6026 }
let [markers, setMarkers] = useState(markersList);
const mapStyles = {
width: '100%',
height: '100%'
let onMarkerDragEnd = (coord, index, markers) => {
const { latLng } = coord;
const lat =;
const lng = latLng.lng();
markers[index] = { lat, lng };
let myMarkers = markers && Object.entries(markers).map(([key, val]) => (
<Marker key={key} id={key} position={{
lng: val.lng
onClick={() => console.log("Clicked")}
onDragend={(t, map, coord) => onMarkerDragEnd(coord, key, markers)}
return (
<div className="row d-flex justify-content-center text-center">
<h1>React Google Recaptcha V3 example -</h1>
lat: 23.033863,
lng: 72.585022
export default GoogleApiWrapper({
apiKey: 'API KEY'
After adding a code in GoogleMapComponent, you have called this component file into your code, in my case I am adding it to App.js.
Make sure you have to change the API key to your Google Map API key, please follow the article to get Google Map API Key
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
import GoogleMapComponent from './GoogleMapComponent';
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<GoogleMapComponent />
export default App;
Run a React application
Run the React application using the following command.
npm start
After compilation, the program opens your browser and runs http://localhost:3000/

You can download the working example of react google maps draggable marker
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