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React tooltip using rc-tooltip with example

Today, We will learn how to implement the tooltip using the rc-tooltip npm package, rc-tooltip is a popular npm package used for adding tooltip on HTML elements. Tooltip requires a child node that supports the on onClick, on mouse enter, etc… events.

You can download the working example of a tooltip component https://github.com/technostuf/react-rc-tooltip-example

Create a React application

Create a React app using the below command.

 npx create-react-app react-bootstrap-tooltip-example

The above command will create a new folder with the app name so you need to move into that folder, use the below command to change the directory.

 cd react-bootstrap-tooltip-example

Install rc-tooltip library

After creating react app we need to install rc-tooltip from npm or yarn.

 npm i rc-tooltip --save

Add code to the file

Add tooltip code in the App.js file, For demo purposes, we have added code in the App.js file.

import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
import Tooltip from 'rc-tooltip';
import 'rc-tooltip/assets/bootstrap_white.css';

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>Tooltip using rc-tooltip - technostuf.com</h1>
      <h3>Tooltip on hover event</h3>
      <Tooltip placement="left" trigger={['hover']} overlay={<span>Litora tristique, iure, atque repellat rutrum, ultricies labore adipiscing quia.</span>}>
        <a href="#">hover</a>
      <br />
      <h3>Tooltip on click event</h3>
      <Tooltip placement="left" trigger={['click']} overlay={<span>Corporis do suscipit corporis est turpis ultricies optio maiores accusantium.</span>}>
        <a href="#">Click to view tooltip</a>
      <h3>Tooltip on different position</h3>
        <Tooltip placement="top" overlay={<span>Corporis do suscipit corporis est turpis ultricies optio maiores accusantium.</span>}>
          <a href="#">Click to view tooltip</a>
        <Tooltip placement="right" overlay={<span>Corporis do suscipit corporis est turpis ultricies optio maiores accusantium.</span>}>
          <a href="#">Click to view tooltip</a>
        <Tooltip placement="bottom" overlay={<span>Corporis do suscipit corporis est turpis ultricies optio maiores accusantium.</span>}>
          <a href="#">Click to view tooltip</a>
        <Tooltip placement="leftBottom" overlay={<span>Corporis do suscipit corporis est turpis ultricies optio maiores accusantium.</span>}>
          <a href="#">Click to view tooltip</a>
export default App;

By default, the tooltip has no style so we need to import rc-tooltip/assets/bootstrap_white.css in our component file.

Useful Props List

  1. overlayClassName: Additional class name added to tooltip overlay
  2. trigger: By default value is hover, supports hover, click, focus
  3. mouseEnterDelay: Default value is 0, number to delay show tooltip when mouse enter
  4. placement: Supports left, right, top, bottom, topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight

Run a React application

Run the React application using the following command.

 npm start

After compilation, the program opens your browser and runs http://localhost:3000/


react rc-tooltip

You can download the working example of a tooltip component.


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